Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Racer's Birthday Picture

Racer is a year old!!

Racer turned one year old on August 5th! He continues to grow and is really a sweet little guy. I'm still trying to spend as much time as I can doing "hands on" stuff with him. Sometimes I think he'd rather be groomed and scratched than to eat... which is something I surely can't say for my 2 mares!! LOL!!!

We gave Racer a pony pop treat for his birthday. He wasn't sure what to do with it at first but once he got the hang of it, he started nibbling at it and now has pony pop residue on his face. But he hasn't demolished it... yet....

Racer's foot/leg problem continues to improve but still requires special care. I'm hopeful that with good nutrition and exercise that he will outgrow the problem.

My husband Don turned 55 this past Monday. I gave him tickets for the Arizona Cardinals vs. Green Bay Packers football game on 8/28/09. There are two Ohio State University players we hope to see. AJ Hawk plays for Green Bay and Chris Wells was a first round draft choice for the Cardinals. It should be a good game!!

I can't believe football season is almost here again... already!! Wow this year is flying by!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Racer is growing

Here's the latest pictures of Racer. He's growing!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I have a new baby!

Well my question about whether to breed my mare or not has been answered. A friend of mine found a paint colt for me on April 22, 2009. He just turned 9 months old, however my vet told me he is very stunted for his age and looks more like a 4 month old.

He has a problem with his left front leg. It turned out away from his body. I was told he may need to wear special shoes and could possibly face surgery to correct the problem. We found an equine podiatrist who said that his small size might just work for us. He suggested trimming him and letting him grow into his body for a few months before we do anything with shoes.

This poor little guy had been starving for both food and attention. We are giving him minerals and good quality feed and he's already showing improvements. He hadn't had any shots, never been wormed or had his hooves trimmed.

It's been costly to bring him back to health but I know we will be rewarded for all this hard work and expense.

I spend at least an hour each morning brushing him and getting him used to some hands on stuff.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

To Breed Or Not To Breed

To breed or not to breed Ebony... that is the question that is driving me crazy...

I'm reading that horse breeding has dropped significantly over the years and that horse breeders are now only breeding the best mares to the best stallions. Why? Because of the economy.

That being said, what is going to happen to our "horse pool" in the next few years? Will we end up with a shortage of horses (doubtful)

So I am faced with the dilema... do I breed Ebony now or wait for another year? Do I breed her to another Thoroughbred or breed her to a Paint and hope for a colorful flashy foal?

Where I live here in Arizona, Thoroughbreds are used mainly for horse racing. I'm not a big fan of horse racing, so I'm not sure I want to go that route. And there doesn't seem to be a shortage of Paint horses here either.

Hmm... what to do... my husband is afraid that if I have a foal, I will want to keep it and since he's not anxious to feed another horse (we are down to a manageable size of 3 horses) he's not encouraging me one way or the other.

And here it is nearly the middle of March already...time is marching on and I still haven't made a decision about this......

I'm feeling human again

My February bronchitis turned into March pnuemonia... ugh.... not pleasant at all.

But I'm happy to say after significant doses of antibiotics, I am back to feeling human again and actually able to get out of bed!

I am grateful that I have been blessed with such good health. This was my first visit to the doctor in 6 years and for an old 58 year old like me, I'd say that is a good thing.

Abandoned Horses On The Rise In Arizona

I've been hearing about more domestic horses being abandoned here in Arizona. This trend started at least a year ago but is now once again on the rise with most of the blame placed on the bad economy.

The horses are being turned loose to fend for themselves, but since the domestic horses lack of survival skills they often end up being killed by predators, hit by cars or die of starvation.

Abandoned domestic horses have little chance of being adopted by wild bands of horses and often are attacked by them. It's not very often that you find a domestic horse that haas not been torn up or kicked out of the herd.

I just read in the March 10, 2009 edition of the Deming Headlight, the infamous Baxter Black says the solution to this problem is to bring back horse slaughter in this country. He says I am a well-intentioned but irresponsible animal lover....Personally I think he's crazy!

You can read his story here:

What's your views on abandoned horses... should they go to slaughter?